Brand & Logo Styleguide
Keeping it consistent
After Squarely creates or redefines your brand, to ensure it remains consistent, memorable and inline with your company values, we highly recommend having a robust set of brand guidelines or a brand stylguide in place to protect your brand assets
Consistency is the key to make your brand trusted and successful.
You want to make sure your brand is locked down after Squarely hand it over to you. When you’re working with 3rd parties or other consultants who will be using your brand, having a comprehensive branding styleguide on the “Do’s and Dont’s” on how to use your brand will ensure you’ll be able to maintain consistency across your brand, and become instantly recognisable, trusted and respected amongst your industry and peers.
“Consistent presentation of a brand increases revenue by 23% on average. Repetition and consistency are two cornerstones of any successful branding efforts. By having a robust brand styleguide, over time, consumers will internalize your brand values and be more likely to purchase.”